First Friday Storynight at BLTC
May 3, 2013 – 7-9pm
Better Living Through Coffee – 100 Tyler St., Port Townsend, WA 98368
$10 Suggested Donation; no one turned away
This Friday the Mythsinger Foundation and host Brian Rohr invite you to Better Living Through Coffee for a journey trough the magical delight of story and the oral tradition at First Friday Storynight!
This month, we feature Storyteller and Mythologist Benjamin Dennis, PhD
Host Brian Rohr will offer his magical tellings of the old stories – the myths, folktales and fairytales – of long ago, while playing the drum to create a percussive trance state in the listener.
As is our tradition, we will also host an open mic section, so please bring your own short story, song, dance, poem or some other performative form to share… only rules are it must obviously be a story and no reading, everything must be shared in the ways of the oral tradition.
About Artists:
Benjamin Dennis, PhD is a mythologist and writer. Cultivating a life-long love of story, myth, and psychology, he has been passionately involved in ritual, rites of passage, psychodrama, and storytelling. His mythic interests include Greek mythology, Native American story, European Fairy Tale, and Hindu epic literature. He has a wide variety of experience having worked in diverse fields such as commercial fishing, construction, U.S. Air Force, Investment Banking, and for the past 20 years as a Fire Fighter in Seattle. Ben currently holds his PhD in Mythological Studies with and Emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute.
Ben has participated in and led a variety of workshops and conferences. Most recently, he has assisted at Robert Bly’s Minnesota Men’s Conference, been a featured storyteller and teacher at the 2012 Soldier’s Heart Conference in New York, and the featured Storyteller at the Winter Minnesota Men’s Conference in February 2013.
Brian Rohr is a storyteller and healing arts practitioner living here in Port Townsend, WA. Having moved from Chicago in 2007 to study with local master Storyteller Daniel Deardorff, he has since shared myth from different cultures to national and international audiences. Locally, Rohr first began hosting a bi-monthly Storynight at the Boiler Room in 2009, before moving it to its present monthly format at Better Living Through Coffee for the past 3 years. He is an active Board Member of the Mythsinger Foundation and is convinced of the life and vitality inherent in the old stories and their ability to inform us on how to live our lives as authentic human beings.
About First Fridy Storynight:
Begun in Nov 2009, this monthly event explores the art and ritual of the oral tradition: sharing the old myths, folk tales, and fairy tales along with more modern stories and personal sharings. Showcased will be are local and visiting storytellers, musicians and weavers of magic with words. Each month, there are two to three featured tellers, and space for guests in the audience to share a story or two during the open mic sections.
First Friday Storynight is supported by the Port Townsend Arts Commission.
BLTC is a family owned and operated coffee house located in Downtown Port Townsend.
For more information on this event, please call: 360.531.2535 or visit www.brianrohr.com